abstinence pledge造句
- It's hard, then, to figure out what the good news is about the abstinence pledge.
- As columnist Ellen Goodman recently observed : " Abstinence pledges fail more often than condoms do ."
- Teen-agers who make sexual abstinence pledges apparently mean what they say, at least for a while.
- The data suggests that about one in five young adults have taken an abstinence pledge either in written form or by public announcement.
- Bearman acknowledged that some of characteristics that would lead kids to make the abstinence pledge would have led them to avoid early sex anyway.
- Virginity pledges ( or abstinence pledges ) made by heterosexual teenagers and young adults may also include the practice of " technical virginity ".
- The abstinence pledge is a pledge that goes along with the abstinence-only sex education that is religiously based but taught in secular settings.
- Peter Bearman, a sociology professor at Columbia University and lead author of the study, said about 3 million young people have signed the abstinence pledges.
- Northern boys were called Lincolns and southern boys became Lees . By 1925, over five million children had signed the total abstinence pledge cards.
- Choosing the Best and True Love Waits, a program of the Southern Baptist Convention, encourage students to sign abstinence pledges, a step that students say works.
- It's difficult to see abstinence pledge in a sentence. 用abstinence pledge造句挺难的
- The following year a rally was held in Washington, D . C ., where 210, 000 abstinence pledge cards were lined up on the National Mall.
- Somewhere around my 12th birthday, Mother concluded I was destined to become a problem drinker based on my refusal to sign an alcohol abstinence pledge her church was circulating.
- But other studies have concluded that teens who take abstinence pledges end up developing sexually transmitted diseases at a rate comparable to teens who do not make such a commitment.
- Conservative American states like Utah have more paying pornography subscribers per capita than abstinence pledge before marriage " still struggle with issues like excessive pornography viewing, masturbation " when married.
- As she considered the terrible circumstances of her young associates, she felt that inaction " was criminal . " She introduced a total abstinence pledge into her Sabbath School class.
- In his temperance efforts, Gough always kept aloof from politics or any organized effort to accomplish results through legislation, relying entirely on moral influences and on the total abstinence pledge.
- The study of virginity pledges, released last week by researchers at Columbia University in New York and the National Institutes of Health, found that abstinence pledges do help kids say no.
- U . S . Catholics were among the first to ask their young people to join the Southern Baptist " True Love Waits " campaign, in which young people signed abstinence pledge cards.
- Sarah Diefendorf, a sociologist at the University of Washington, found that Evangelical men who took an abstinence pledge before marriage " still struggle with issues like excessive pornography viewing, masturbation " when married.
- Some contrasting studies : Adolescence and Abstinence Fact Sheet, The Decline in Teen Pregnancy Rates : A Result of Abstinence and Contraception, Not Abstinence-Only Programs, Study : Abstinence pledges may trigger risky sexual behavior.
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